You are a DENTIST concerned about keeping your HANDPIECES and dental TURBINES in an optimal working condition... we can help!

We repair ALL BRANDS, whether with original parts (OEM) or European parts of superior quality.

We are an authorized distributer of high-end handpieces and dental turbines of BIEN AIR DENTAL. Equipment that lives up to your expertise, made entirely in Switzerland.

We also offer very good quality, economical, models from the German brand MK-dent and others, on request.

Bien air's TORNADO series dental turbines offer PERFORMANCE at the height of its SWISS MANUFACTURING

You will be delighted with their POWER allowing you to perform your procedures
with exceptional PRECISION and SMOOTHNESS

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* All products and company names referenced on this site are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Let us know your needs so we can help you in the "fleet" management of your of handpieces and dental turbines!

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